Orders Management

What is FbAli order management system #

FbAli order management system is a tool for you to track your sales, orders, fulfillment, shipping status, after-sales service, and cost as well as enables the people, processes, and partnerships necessary for products to find their way to the customers who bought them. And FbAli order management system will sync with your stores and all of your orders in Paid & Unfulfillment status automatically appear on your orders list.

Fulfillment and shipping tracking #

shipping status: #
  • Pending: The orders are not allocated to your source agents or vendors
  • Processing: The orders are under processing by your source agents
  • In Transit: The orders are passed to the carriers, and the packages are on the way to their customers
  • Exception: There’s some exception happened during the shipping
  • Delivered: The orders had been delivered

Fulfilment, cost and tracking detail #

At the botton of order details, there are all details for the vendors, costs, and tracking details with date and time

multi-vendors order #

If an order containing different products hosted with different source agents or vendors, you can check every details from different source agents & vendors with fufilment vendors, cost details and tracking status.

How do I process orders with my source agents and vendors #

Auto-processing(default): #
  1. Hosted your products to the vendors or source agents that you want him to fulfill
  2. The new orders synced from your stores will be allocated to your vendors directly with your hosting setting.
Manual-processing: #
  1. Select the Pending tag on the top of the order list
  2. Select the orders that you want to manually process
  3. Select the Action button on the right top of the order list and click the placing button
  4. If an order containing un hosting products,
    • There’s a list of un hosting products
    • Select products and click the hosting button to match your products with your source agents & vendors
    • Click Done If you don’t want to let your source agents process these products
  5. Done, and your orders are allocated to your setting source agents & vendors.

How do I process my after-sale issues with my source agents and vendors #

  1. Select the order that needs after-sale support and click the Confirm After Sales on the top right of order details
  2. Choose the after sales-type, after-sales mode, and after-sales products one by one
    • After Sales Type: The issues of this order for the after-sales support, including product broken, logistic issues, and so on.
    • After Sales Mode: The way that you want your source agents to support the after-sales service, including resend, refund, and so on
    • After Sales Products: The products contained in this order that you want after-sales support
  3. Fill in the contents and photos to prove your after-sales type
  4. Click submit on the top right

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